


57 The Causeway Steventon, OX13 6SE






Internal and external alterations to ancillary garage (originally approved under P21/V2326/HH). Installation of new widened entrance gate piers. Installation of a new septic tank. Replacement of existing driveway and front path with permeable cobbled paving - PART RETROSPECTIVE (amended plans and additional information received 19 and 26 October 2023 and 01, 12 and 30 January 2024).



Sally Povolotsky



Mr Tristan Judge



Nathalie Power






That planning permission is granted subject to the following conditions



1. Time limit - full application 

2. Approved plans list

3. Approved supporting documents list




4. Materials in accordance with application

5. Tree protection measures (Implementation as approved)

6. Use restriction - ancillary garage use only; no commercial use

7. Permitted development restriction - No new/replacement hardstanding



The full wording of the conditions listed above is attached at Appendix 1.





This application has been referred to Planning Committee following a call-in from Councillor Povolotsky, due to local concerns surrounding a harmful impact of the proposal upon neighbouring amenity and an unclear ongoing use of the garage building.






The application site is located within the village of Steventon, and hosts Grade II Listed Building 57 The Causeway. Vehicular access is obtained via The Causeway which adjoins the northern boundary of the site. Neighbouring dwellings surround the site to the east, south and west. The northernmost section of the site is located within Steventon Conservation Area. A small section of the site, where it adjoins The Causeway, is located within Flood Zones 2 & 3.




A site plan is provided below;



Extracts from the application plans are attached at Appendix 2.




This application seeks planning permission and Listed Building consent for;


§  external and internal alterations to the constructed garage outbuilding;

§  the installation of a sub-terranean septic tank;

§  the installation of new, widened vehicular entrance gates;

§  the replacement of existing hardstanding with permeable cobble paving




The garage building measures 15.20 metres in width, 7.30 metres in depth and 5.40 metres in overall pitched height. The internal and external works to the constructed garage outbuilding (originally approved under P21/V2326/HH) include the;


§  installation of a small hatch-accessed mezzanine at the westernmost end

§  installation of a small WC at the easternmost end

§  relocation of a side door on the eastern elevation of the building

§  installation of a ground-floor window on the north-western elevation




The works to the vehicular entrance gates involve rebuilding the gate piers to widen the access from 2.85 metres in width, to 3.45 metres in width. The new gate entrance piers will maintain a setback of 6.4 metres from The Causeway.



With the exception of the proposed ground floor window on the northern elevation - the internal and external works to the garage outbuilding, alongside the works to install the new septic tank, are now largely complete.



Amended plans and additional information were received in October 2023 and January 2024, clarifying; the works proposed, the use of the ancillary garage, the specifications of the septic tank, the drainage strategy for the tank and the tree protection measures for the remaining works on site.  



The householder application is accompanied by Listed Building consent application P23/V2121/LB. From available planning history, Listed Building consent has been submitted for the driveway resurfacing works adjoining the curtilage-listed side/rear wall and, as a precaution, for the gate pier works proposed to alter the front boundary wall, which is likely curtilage-listed.







Below is a summary of the consultation comments received. Copies of the full consultation comments are currently available to view on the website.





Steventon Parish Council


Insufficient information provided as part of application to allow for the Parish Council to complete an assessment.


County Archaeologist



Environmental Protection Team



Forestry Officer



Heritage Officer



Neighbouring Representations



§  size, scale and layout of outbuilding would allow for the creation of a commercial premises (car workshop/showroom) or separate residential accommodation;

§  the submitted plans and description of development are inaccurate and misleading, insufficient information has been provided;


§  the ground floor front facing window would result in harmful overlooking of the majority of rear-facing neighbouring habitable rooms;  


§  use of garage is resulting in harmful level of noise pollution, odour generation and traffic generation (including through increased number of parked vehicles);





§  works undertaken and proposed are a clear improvement to this plot;

§  the proposed ground-floor garage window is 80+ metres away from any adjoining window and would not cause an overlooking issue;

§  from visits to site the garage is clearly being used for personal use, there is not commercial business being operated from the site;

§  the issues of noise and odour would only be considered relevant in built up industrial area – this is not the case with this site.







Steventon Parish Council




Insufficient information provided


Highways Liaison Officer OCC



Neighbouring Representations



§  size, scale and layout of outbuilding would allow for the creation of a commercial premises (car workshop/showroom) or separate residential accommodation;

§  works undertaken without planning permission should disqualify applicant from applying for retrospective planning permission;

§  works undertaken to garage would not have been approved as part of original 2021 application, so why should they be approved now

§  a motor car business by the name of Thames Valley Car Storage Ltd can be found online (Google Maps) as being tied to the application site address;

§  no proper justification provided for the installation of a WC within the garage building and associated septic tank;


§  the ground floor front facing window would overlook all rear-facing neighbouring habitable rooms;


§  the applicant has previously operated a noisy business at a previous address in this area and residents want to avoid a repeat of that situation;


§  the ground floor front facing window would result in harmful overlooking of the majority of rear-facing neighbouring habitable rooms;







Steventon Parish Council



County Archaeologist






Env. Protection Team



Forestry Officer

[verbal comments received] NO OBJECTION


Heritage Officer



Highways Liaison Officer OCC



Neighbouring Representations



§  size, scale and layout of outbuilding would allow for the creation of a commercial premises (car workshop/showroom) or separate residential accommodation, applicant has not clarified its planned use;

§  applicant states business is not run from the application site and that it is run from a small farm building, but cars can move;


§  the motor car business referred to by the applicant (Thames Valley Car Storage Ltd) can still be found online (Google Maps) as being tied to the application site address, it makes no reference to alternative accommodation;




§  the applicant has previously operated a noisy business at a previous address in this area and residents want to avoid a repeat of that situation;






VE23/269 – Ongoing

Unauthorised installation of a septic tank


P23/V1394/DIS - Approved (26/06/2023)

Discharge of condition 4(Windows) on application P22/V2340/LB. (Alterations and upgrades to existing windows and new openings formed as per the plans and statement).


VE23/84 - Closed (29/03/2023)

Garage not being erected in accordance with approved drawings of P21/V2326/HH (inclusion of bathroom facilities) and unauthorised installation of a septic tank.


P23/V0558/NM - Other Outcome (29/03/2023)

Non-material amendment to application reference number P21/V2326/HH for the inclusion of a small toilet cubicle and small septic tank to the building (overall garage construction is nearing completion now). The septic tank would include a suitable drain field. The overall use of the building and its external appearance are completely unchanged. (Removal of existing garage and construction of new garage block.)


P22/V2340/LB - Approved (23/11/2022)

Alterations and upgrades to existing windows and new openings formed as per the plans and statement


P22/V2339/HH - Approved (23/11/2022)

Alterations and upgrades to existing windows and new openings formed.


P21/V3550/DIS - Approved (27/04/2022)

Discharge of Conditions 3 (Materials), 4 (Landscaping Scheme), 5 (Tree Protection) & 6 (Submission of Details) of planning application P21/V2326/HH (additional and amended information submitted 12th and 20th April 2022). Removal of existing garage and construction of new garage block.


P21/V2326/HH - Approved (19/11/2021)

Removal of existing garage and construction of new garage block. (As amended by plans and additional information received 14 October 2021 and 15 November 2021)







Pre-application History


P23/V1232/PEO - Advice provided (02/08/2023)

Works to grade 2 listed cottage. Replacement of existing broken-surface driveway and old concrete slab with improved surface treatment.











The relevant planning considerations in determining this application are;


§ Heritage, Design and Character

§ Access and Parking

§ Residential Amenity

§ Flood Risk and Site Drainage

§ Other Matters: Use of Garage Building

§ Other Matters; Retrospective Application Process



Heritage, Design and Character


The application site hosts Grade II Listed Building, 57 The Causeway. The proposal sees; internal and external alterations proposed to the garage outbuilding located within the residential boundaries of this Listed Building; the installation of a septic tank within the rear garden and; a series of hard landscaping works undertaken adjacent to curtilage-listed boundary treatments.


Local Plan Policies CP37, CP39, DP36, DP37 and DP38 all emphasise that new development should be visually attractive and of a massing and materials which are appropriate for the site, surrounding area, and which preserve and enhance the historic significance of designated heritage assets.


The garage building (principally approved under application P21/V2326/HH) is located at the southernmost end of the rear garden. The outbuilding consists of 4 main garage bays with a smaller bay at the western end of the building. The outbuilding hosts a WC on the eastern side of the building, and a mezzanine level within the existing roof space on the western end of the building. The mezzanine, measuring 2.15 metres in width, is accessed via a pull-down loft ladder. The outbuilding hosts 4 rooflights on the southern rear-facing elevation, with a single ground-floor window proposed on the northern elevation.


The garage outbuilding retains its traditional form and dual-pitched roof, with the chosen external materials of timber boarding and plain roof tiles emphasising its purpose as an outbuilding ancillary to the main residential Listed Building on site. Taking into consideration the design, scale and massing of the outbuilding originally approved as part of application P21/V2326/HH, alongside the nature of the changes made and proposed, Officers do not consider that the internal and external alterations to this outbuilding would compromise its design, appearance and use as an ancillary outbuilding, located within this large rear garden.



As previously addressed as part of application P21/V2326/HH, the grasscrete track proposed (as shown on plan ‘CWAY.P02 Rev E’) is considered to soften the appearance of the accessway to the outbuilding - reducing the appearance of the garden being ‘severed’ into two areas and further mitigating any harm to the setting of this Listed Building, and that of the Conservation Area.


The grasscrete track is considered necessary to mitigate any harm to the setting of this Listed Building and Conservation Area. Officers consider that it would not be acceptable for this track to be upgraded to a gravel bound or tarmac track in the future. It is therefore considered reasonable and necessary to remove permitted development rights from this property, for the provision of hard surfaces within the curtilage this dwelling under Class F (hard surfaces) of Part 1 of Schedule 2 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (as amended). This is to preserve the character, appearance and setting of the Listed Building and the Conservation Area.


Prior to the start of the proposed new grasscrete access track, there currently exists a deteriorating concrete driveway and parking area running adjacent to the main dwelling, along the western side of the site. This surface adjoins a curtilage listed side and rear boundary wall. The proposed works sees the removal of this concrete surface and its replacement with new permeable cobbled block paving. Additional works proposed see the relocation and rebuilding of gate piers either side of the main vehicular access, from The Causeway. These gate piers currently adjoin the front boundary wall, and once rebuilt would see the access widened from 2.85 metres to 3.45 metres in width.  



The Heritage Officer has assessed the submitted information and has raised no objections to the works, commenting that “the proposed resurfacing is expected to make an overall enhancement to the appearance of the area, in the immediate context of the Listed Building and within the Conservation Area.” In the planning balance, Officers consider that; the internal and external alterations to the outbuilding; the installation of the subterranean septic tank; the replacement driveway surface and; the widened vehicular access, are acceptable in design and heritage terms, subject to the attached conditions.


Access and Parking


The proposal sees a series of internal and external works proposed to the 4 bay garage originally permitted under application P21/V2326/HH. The proposal is not considered to compromise the existing parking arrangements for this dwelling. Additionally, as part of the proposal, the gate piers either side of the existing access are to be relocated and rebuilt to increase the width of the vehicular access from 2.85 metres to 3.45 metres.



The Oxfordshire County Council Highways Officer has assessed the information submitted and has raised no objections to the works, as the proposals would not see any material alteration made to the existing access arrangements. Officers are therefore satisfied that the proposal would not have an unacceptable impact upon local highway safety.


Residential Amenity


The proposal involves interior and external alterations to the constructed garage outbuilding - including the installation of a mezzanine at the western end of the building, and the installation of a ground floor window on the northern elevation. No rooflights are to be installed above the constructed mezzanine area, and no upper storey windows are proposed on the eastern or western elevations.



Following the visit to site, with the limited headspace over the mezzanine area, and the obscure angle of the mezzanine floor relative to the approved rooflights on the southern roof plane of the building - Officers do not consider that harm would be caused to levels of private amenity experienced by the nearest neighbouring residential dwellings to the east, west and south of the garage building through overlooking. The outbuilding retains the size and scale approved under P21/V2326/HH. Due to the orientation and positioning of the building, Officers do not consider that adverse harm would be caused to adjacent private neighbouring amenity through overshadowing or overbearing.



The new window proposed on the northern elevation of the building will be situated at ground floor level. Concerns have been raised that this window poses harm to existing levels of private amenity experienced by neighbours to the north of the site. Given the ground-floor nature of the window, the existence of a substantial mature hedge along the northern boundary, and the 40+ metre distance from the garage outbuilding to that northern neighbouring boundary, Officers do not consider that the proposed ground floor window would cause any harmful overlooking.


From the information submitted and the visit to site, the ancillary garage hosts vehicles owned and maintained by the occupant of No. 57 The Causeway. Officers note that concerns have been raised regarding noise and odour being generated by this garage building. The Environmental Protection Team were consulted on this application and did not raise any objections.  Given the domestic ancillary use of the building, if the occupants of No 57 The Causeway generate excessive noise or odour pollution through any ancillary use of this garage, this should be reported to the Environmental Protection Team, outside of this planning application process.



Due to the scale and nature of the works proposed to install the sub-terranean septic tank (works already undertaken); widen the existing vehicular access and; resurface the driveway - Officers do not consider that adverse harm will be caused to adjacent neighbouring amenity through overshadowing or an overbearing impact by these elements of the proposal. In the planning balance, the overall proposal is considered acceptable in terms of residential impact.



Flood Risk and Site Drainage


A small section of this site, where it adjoins The Causeway, is located within Flood Zones 2 & 3. The proposal involves the installation of a septic tank in the rear garden, and the resurfacing of an existing section of driveway. The Flood Risk and Drainage Engineer has assessed the submitted information and has raised no objections to the development installed. Officers therefore consider that the proposal is acceptable in terms of impact upon local flood risk.



Other Matters: Use of Garage Building


Representations received have queried the use of the garage outbuilding, raising concerns that it is being used in connection with a commercial business; specifically, Thames Valley Car Storage (Thames Valley Classics) Ltd. From the submitted information and visit to the application site, Officers are satisfied that a commercial business is not being run from this site, with operations in association with the aforementioned business being run from a separate site.


The description of this householder development is for internal and external changes to an ancillary garage, which is used in association with the main residential dwelling, 57 The Causeway. Supporting information provided as part of this application additional confirms this. For the avoidance of doubt Officers recommend that a compliance condition be attached to any decision issued ensuring that the garage be used for ancillary purposes only. Should this garage building be used for business/commercial purposes in the future, full planning permission would be required for this - at which stage the impacts of that proposed use would be assessed on its individual merits, against the relevant planning policies.


Other Matters: Retrospective Application Process


Representations received have suggested that this application should be refused on the basis that works proceeded on the application site, without the relevant permissions in place first. In line with paragraph 012 of the Planning Practice Guidance (PPG) on Enforcement and Post-Permission Matters (2014) - a Local Planning Authority can invite a retrospective application in circumstances where they consider that an application is the most appropriate way forward to regularise a situation. The PPG emphasises that any retrospective planning application must be considered in the normal way.



In this instance, Officers from both the Development Management Applications and Development Management Enforcement Teams have been in communication with the applicant since August 2023. To assess and regularise the works already undertaken, the applicant was invited to submit a retrospective planning application. Additional proposed works (not yet undertaken) to; install a ground-floor window; widen the existing vehicular access and; resurface the existing concrete driveway have also been included as part of this application submission. This application has been assessed against the relevant policies of the Development Plan 2031, the provisions of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 and the National Planning Policy Framework.


The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)


CIL is a planning charge primarily calculated on the increase in footprint created as a result of the development or net gain of residential use on site.  This householder development would not be liable to pay CIL as the proposed additional floor space would not exceed 100 square metres. 





The scale and nature of the development preserves the historic significance and setting of this Grade II Listed Building and associated curtilage-listed boundary walls - and would not detract from the character and appearance of the Conservation Area. Further, the development would not harm the amenity of neighbouring properties, local highway safety, nor local flood risk.


Having regard to the above, the weighing of material considerations is in favour of granting planning permission for the development. This development is considered to accord with the relevant policies of the Development Plan 2031 and the provisions of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 and the National Planning Policy Framework.




The following planning policies have been taken into account:


VOWH Local Plan 2031 Part 1: Strategic Sites & Core Policies;

CP35 – Promoting Public Transport, Cycling and Walking

CP37 – Design and Local Distinctiveness
CP39 –
The Historic Environment

CP44 – Landscape


VOWH Local Plan 2031 Part 2: Detailed Policies and Additional Sites;

DP16 – Access

DP23 – Impact of Development upon Amenity

DP36 – Heritage Assets

DP37 – Conservation Areas

DP38 – Listed Buildings


The Steventon Neighbourhood Development Plan (2022-2030)

The public consultation on the Steventon Neighbourhood Plan comes to an end on the 1 February 2024. Neighbourhood Plans at this stage carry limited weight in decision making.


Supplementary Planning Guidance

South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse Joint Design Guide SPD (2022)


Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990

s66 – Duty as respects Listed Buildings in exercise of planning functions

s72 - Duty as respects Conservation Areas in exercise of planning functions


National Planning Policy Framework


Planning Practice Guidance


Human Rights Act 1998

The provisions of the Human Rights Act 1998 have been taken into account in the processing of the application and the preparation of this report. The impact on individuals has been balanced against the public interest and the Officer recommendation is considered to be proportionate.


Equality Act 2010

In assessing this planning application the Council has regard to its equalities obligations including its obligations under section 149 of the Equality Act 2010. It is considered that no recognised group will suffer discrimination as a result of the proposal.



Author: Nathalie Power

Telephone: 01235 422600
